How to Deal with Picky Eater Toddlers: Tips for Busy Moms

Erio • May 15, 2023

We all know how crucial it is to feed our little ones a balanced and healthy diet. But let's be real - it's easier said than done, especially when you have a picky eater on your hands. But don't worry, though - we've got your back! In this article, we'll share some tips and tricks for busy moms who want to manage their fussy eater's habits and ensure their toddler gets the nutrition needed.

Start small; as one says,“Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.”

To successfully introduce new foods to your picky toddler, it's important to start small and start by identifying their favorite flavors. Toddlers usually have a liking for sweet or salty foods, so you should consider this before introducing new foods. Offer small portions of new taste alongside foods that your toddler already enjoys. Use positive reinforcement techniques, like praising your toddler, to gradually expose them to different flavors and make them more comfortable with the idea of trying. The key here is to be patient and persistent, as it may take several attempts before your toddler becomes willing to taste something new.

Meal planning is an effective way for busy moms to stay organized and ensure that their picky toddlers receive the nutrition they need.

By taking the time to plan meals ahead of time, you can reduce the stress involved in deciding what to cook each day. There are thousands of easy recipes to follow online. And using tools like slow cookers or pressure cookers can be particularly helpful in simplifying meal prepping for picky eaters.

Slow cookers and pressure cookers are incredible tools invented for busy moms because they allow you to cook meals without spending hours in the kitchen. With a slow cooker, you can simply throw all ingredients in one pot for a meal, set it to cook for several hours, and walla! - you’re ready with a delicious and ready-to-eat meal. Similarly, with a pressure cooker, you can cook rice, meats, and vegetables quickly, making meal preparation a breeze.

Mealtime tantrums and food refusal can be stressful, but avoiding gadgets can help your toddler develop healthy eating habits.

It can be tempting to use screens during mealtimes to keep your toddlers away from tantrums and food refusal, but gadgets can create negative associations with food. When children are distracted by screen time, they may not fully experience the food’s taste, texture, and smell.  This can lead to negative eating habits as they may not be willing to try foods that they have not experienced before. If you're dealing with a fussy toddler, finding alternative ways to keep them engaged is important.

Instead of screens, consider involving your toddler in meal preparation, such as setting up their plates with colorful foods representing food groups (e.g., which foods are proteins). Additionally, you could use mealtime conversation starters, such as asking your toddler about their day or sharing stories, to keep them engaged and focused on the meal. By creating a positive association with food and mealtimes, you can help your toddler develop healthy eating habits that will benefit them for a lifetime.

Don’t be afraid of snacks; create fun platers for your toddlers.

If you notice that your toddler is losing interest in their meals, introducing healthy, nutritious snacks to their plates can help bring some excitement. With a sea of options available, it can be challenging to choose the right nutritious and delicious snack. We highly recommend Erio's Multi-Grain Puff, a well-rounded organic snack perfect for toddlers.

Crafted from a blend of multi-grains, including white, brown, and red rice, Erio's Multi-Grain Puff is a fantastic source of essential nutrients to help your child grow strong and healthy. They can be paired with other foods, such as purees, fruits, and vegetables, to create a multi-textured and a well-rounded meal. Even better, these mini puffs are free from added sugar and salt, and are sweetened with organic apple juice.

Despite your best intentions, you may find yourself time-constrained to provide the best for your toddlers, and that's okay.

Don't be too tough on yourself; it's okay to rely on snacks when you're in a rush, as long as you choose healthy options. After all, which kid doesn't love a good snack? Even the pickiest eaters tend to enjoy them. But note that it's essential to be aware that many snacks marketed as healthy may not be the best options for your little ones, as they may contain high amounts of sugar and other unhealthy additives. To make sure you're providing your kids with the best possible nutrition, take the time to research and choose snacks made with wholesome ingredients. This way, you can feel confident that your children are getting the nutrients they need while enjoying tasty and convenient snacks.

Congratulations, busy moms! You've made it to the end of our article on managing picky eaters. Armed with our tips and tricks, you can conquer mealtimes with your toddler and make sure they're getting the nutrients they need. Remember to keep trying new foods, involve your toddler in meal prep, and have fun!

But don't go too far yet - there's more to come. Stay tuned for our next article. Until then, keep up the great work, moms!

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